
How To Clean Microphone On Iphone 6

Cómo limpiar el micrófono del iPhone

How to clean the iPhone microphone

How to clean your microphone iPhone

Every time you make calls with your iPhone, do your interlocutors tell you that they have problems hearing you, that your voice is too low or that it is disturbed? This is most likely due to the fact that the 'iPhone by' microphone is dirty and would need a healthy cleaning operation. How do you say? Have you already thought about it but have no idea how to do it? Well, I don't see the problem, I can explain it to you.

If you spend a few minutes of your precious time in addition to your attention, I can illustrate, in fact, what are the operations that you can perform to clean iPhone microphone, so you can use it again without problems. Before you can think about who knows what, I want to point out that you won't have to do anything particularly complex or out of reach. The steps to follow are quite simple even for the least strict in terms of new technologies (a bit like you, in short).

If the problems persist, it will also be my concern to explain how to contact Apple support, to request more support and, if necessary, a possible replacement. But now just chat and let's get down to business. I wish you, as usual, happy reading and good luck in everything.

  • Clean iPhone microphone
    • Location identification
    • necesario
    • Cleaning
  • In case of additional problems
    • Try the main microphone
    • Test the bottom and rear mic
    • Other useful tips
    • Contact Apple

Table of Contents

  • 1 Clean iPhone microphone
    • 1.1 Location identification
    • 1.2 necesario
    • 1.3 Cleaning
  • 2 In case of more problems
    • 2.1 Try the main microphone
    • 2.2 Test the bottom and rear mic
    • 2.3 Other useful tips
    • 2.4 Contact Apple

Clean iPhone microphone

Are you interested in understanding how clean the microphone of your iPhone and you don't know how to do it? Then follow the instructions on what to do below. But first, you need to worry about locating the posición microphone (main, bottom and rear) on the "iPhone by" and you should get the necesario to perform the cleaning operation. For more information, keep reading.

Location identification

In order to clean the iPhone microphone, you must first locate it posición on the device. The iPhone, to be precise, is equipped with three microphones : that principal, That less cast posterior. But where exactly are they on the device? Let's find out right away.

The front is at the top of the iPhone; the lower one, on the other hand, is located at the bottom of the device, on the left, next to the Dock / Lightning connector, while the rear one is placed between the camera (or cameras, depending on the iPhone model used) and the Flash .


After locating the location of the three microphones on the iPhone, you need to get the team necessary for cleaning.

What you need is simply: a Soft clothes (such as microfiber or deerskin), on which to place the device during work to prevent accidental scratching or slipping, and a small Brush or soft bristle brush or, again, a cotton swab, to remove dust and other impurities that clog the iPhone's microphones.

You can find everything without special difficulty in any hypermarket or Online, for example in Amazon or above eBay.

I also suggest that you make sure you have one at your disposal. flat, clean, spacious and well lit surface, in such a way that it can be operated without impediments on the "iPhone by".


Now we get to the heart of the matter and try to understand how to proceed to clean the three microphones of the iPhone.

First, place your iPhone on the soft cloth resting on a flat surface, with the front of the device facing up. Then take the brush, brush or cotton swab and begin to gently clean the front microphone, using slow, careful movements that go from left to right or right to left. By doing this, you should be able to remove all the accumulated dirt. Repeat the operation in question more than once, until you see that the microphone is finally clean.

Then switch to the lower microphone of the device. The operations to be carried out to be able to clean it are practically similar to those seen together a moment ago for the front microphone. Therefore, you should use the brush, brush or cotton swab to remove dust, dirt, etc. The same goes for the rear mic.

At the end of the cleaning, if you still see signs of dust and / or dirt, you can also try blowing gently on the microphones, to remove the last remaining dirt residue.

If something is not clear to you, you can do some research on Youtube and watch one of the many tutorial videos focused on the topic. However, keep in mind that you may also come across videos that offer methods that are not, so to speak, orthodox or that in any case could endanger the proper functioning of your iPhone. Personally, I suggest you don't do "experiments" and stay away from them to avoid trouble, but of course it all depends on your common sense.

In case of more problems

Despite performing the cleaning operation above, are you still having trouble using your iPhone's microphone? Could be a hardware failure, A Momentary "catch" or even a problem related to bad reception signal from your telephone company. In short, it depends.

To rule out this or that other cause and try to fix it, follow the instructions on what to do that I have provided in the steps below.

Try the main microphone

Taking into account that any problem in the use of the microphone could be attributable to damage at the hardware level, to exclude (or take into consideration) this hypothesis, I invite you first to Try the microphone principal of your device. To do this, just use the app Voice memos, including "standard" on all Apple-branded mobile phones. Let's immediately see how.

First, take your Apple smartphone, unlock it, go to the home screen and press the icon of the aforementioned Voice Memos application (the one with the black background and the road ).

Once the main screen of the application is displayed, start Record a short audio clip by pressing red circular button located in the lower center and begins to speak into the microphone. After a few minutes, stop recording by always touching the same button.

Then play the audio clip you just recorded by pressing the button. To play which you will find below the corresponding timeline, at the top of the screen. If the microphone on the iPhone is not affected, you should be able to hear your voice clearly, and therefore the audio quality should be optimal, without distortion, crackle or crackling.

Test the bottom and rear mic

To perform the microphone test instead less es posterior iPhone, you need to use the application Camera and record a video using the device's front camera.

So, grab the iPhone, unlock it, go to the home screen, and hit the Camera app icon (the one with the gray background and the black camera ). Then select the option Video from the bottom of the screen, make sure you are using the camera front (if not, set it yourself by pressing the button with the camera and the arrows located on the right) and start recording a movie by touching the red circular button, then begins to speak into the microphone.

After a few minutes, stop recording the movie by touching the up button again, exit the Camera application, open the application Gallery (the one with the icon with multicolored flower ), select the video you just recorded in the section Gallery from the application and start playback by pressing thebutton. To play visible on the screen.

To test the rear microphone, instead, follow the same steps above but, in this case, verify that the camera used is the posterior (if not, you can always configure it by pressing the button with the camera and the arrows and which one is on the right).

Regarding both the videos recorded with the front camera and those recorded with the rear camera, if there are no problems with the microphone, your voice should not be weak and the audio quality is optimal, without distortions, cracks or hiss. .

Other useful tips

If despite cleaning the microphone of the iPhone you still have problems and if from the tests carried out it seems to you that everything is a gift or, if not, you want to avoid the worst, I strongly recommend that you put some into practice other little tricks which can help you restore the proper function of your device, in the event of a momentary "catch" or reception-related problem. Are here.

  • Unplug the headphones and headphones possibly connected to your iPhone.
  • Avoid blocking the microphones on the iPhone with your fingers or the case (if present) while holding the device or while recording a video.
  • Remove screen protectors, films or cases (if applicable) covering the iPhone microphones.
  • Move to an area where "there is more field" (You can easily check the signal level from the number of "tacos" in the upper right of the iPhone screen), obviously if the problems occur only during phone calls.
  • Turn off the iPhone and turn it on again, as I explained in my tutorial on how to restart iPhone.
  • Install the latest version of iOS available for your iPhone, as I explained in my tutorial on how to update the Iphone.

Contact Apple

Have you cleaned the microphone on your iPhone but are still having problems, and even additional helpful information for troubleshooting and / or troubleshooting didn't help? So I really think you should contact Apple directly to try to fix it.

Depending on which media are yours as well as your needs and preferences, you can contact Customer Service from the Cupertino company through one of the systems indicated and explained below. Choose freely what you think will do the most for you, all are equally reliable.

  • T phone - make a call to the toll free number 800 915 904 and follow the instructions in the recorded voice. The call is free and the number is active from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 19:45 p.m.
  • Web - connected to the online support page on the Apple website, click iPhone related icon and follow the suggested wizard to specify the type of problem encountered and get help.
  • Apple support application - download the Apple Support app on your iPhone or other device iOS that you own, run it, connect to your Apple account, select the your iPhone from the list of devices for which you can get support, and from the list shown, select the item related to your question or problem. Then follow the instructions given to you.
  • Twitter - write a tweet or a DM on the account @AppleSupport indicating your doubts or problems. You should receive a reply soon.
  • apple store - Go to a Apple Store and ask the staff for help. If you don't know where the closest Apple Store in your area is, you can find out by checking the list on the dedicated web page.

If you need more explanations about the practices described above, I invite you to read my tutorial specifically dedicated to how to communicate with Apple.

How To Clean Microphone On Iphone 6


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