
What Is A Dumbbell Clean And Press

The dumbbell clean and press is a power and strength-building exercise that works pretty much every major muscle grouping and involves the majority of the joints in your body. It's not quite equally difficult every bit the original barbell version but it however has all of the benefits, and so some!

You can practise the DB clean and press with both arms simultaneously, or you tin do a single arm clean and press. Whichever you lot prefer, nosotros've got y'all covered with our practise tutorial videos.

If y'all're a fan of compound exercises, y'all'll love the dumbbell clean and press. Check out our practice guides to both of these exercises below and so go on reading to learn about the benefits!

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How to Do the Dumbbell Make clean and Printing

Starting position

Dumbbell clean and press starting position image

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip.
  • Hold the weights so that your palms are facing the front of your body.
  • Stand up with your anxiety shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend at the knees and push your hips dorsum into a partial squat.
  • Keep your weight on your heels.


Dumbbell clean and press weight on shoulders image

  • Extend your knees and drive your hips frontward to push yourself upwards.
  • As you button yourself upright, twist the dumbbells outwards whilst lifting them up to your shoulders. At the cease of the 'clean' movement, they should exist on height of the shoulders.
  • When you lot're moving the dumbbells, keep them close to your trunk equally you would for barbell clean and press.


db clean and press overhead position image

  • Press the dumbbells up past straightening your arms.
  • At the top of the press, break for a 2nd.
  • Motion the weights back to your shoulders and so reverse the movement to return to the starting position.

Sets & Reps

When it comes to how many sets and reps you should exist doing, that all depends on your exercise goals.

If you're training for strength, a v ten five training system (five reps, v sets) is best.

If your goal is to increase muscle size, you need to train in the hypertrophy zone. Nosotros recommend 10-12 reps for four sets.

On the other manus, to improve muscular endurance we recommend 18-xx reps for two-3 sets.

The same goes for the single arm dumbbell clean and press, detect out how to do that variation soon! But first, bank check out this dumbbell clean and press video tutorial from one of our OriGym trainers.

How to Do the Single Arm Make clean and Printing

If you struggle with the necessary coordination or core stability to execute the dumbbell make clean and press, you can attempt a single arm clean and press instead.

The 1 arm dumbbell clean and press is a helpful exercise for anyone with muscular imbalance or fitness newbies who need to concentrate on getting their form right before they progress to barbell exercises.

Starting position

Single arm clean and press starting position image

  • Agree a dumbbell with your arm extended and your palm facing the front end of your body.
  • Hold the weight at the middle of your torso.
  • Stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower into a squat.


Single arm clean and press shoulder position image

  • Push button yourself up by extending at your knees and pushing your hips forward until you are stood upright.
  • As you ascent up, lift the dumbbell upwardly in a straight line in front end of your trunk and rotate information technology so that it ends up on top of your shoulder.


Single arm dumbbell clean and press overhead position image

  • Press the dumbbell straight upwards, keeping your arm shut to your ear.
  • As yous extend your arm, twist the dumbbell once again so that your palm is facing abroad from your body.
  • Return the dumbbell to your shoulder and and then reverse the clean move to return to the starting position.

Sets & Reps

Complete the first prepare with your less-dominant arm and then swap for the second set.

Here's the dumbbell clean and press video (single arm) from our OriGym trainer.

Dumbbell Clean and Press Muscles Worked

The dumbbell clean and press is a brilliant compound movement that works the majority of the major muscle groups. The only existent exception is the breast, but there are some indirect benefits of this exercise for building chest muscle – all will be revealed when we discuss the dumbbell clean and press benefits before long!

graphic highlighting dumbbell clean and press muscles worked

The list of dumbbell make clean and press muscles worked is pretty impressive, here it is broken downward into the different stages of the exercise.

The Clean:

  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Calves
  • Spinal Erectors
  • Quads
  • Biceps

The Press:

  • Deltoids (shoulders)
  • Traps
  • Triceps

Using a pair of dumbbells also ways that this exercise is a actually effective mode to challenge the core stabiliser muscles.

graphic of muscular man to show dumbbell clean and press benefits for hypertrophy

Whilst the barbell version of this exercise also involves the cadre muscles to some caste, the dumbbell clean and press is the ameliorate option if you want to build a stronger core. Learn more than nearly the differences between these two exercises below!

Barbell VS Dumbbell Clean and Press

barbell for barbell vs db Clean and press comparison

The barbell is the ultimate tool for strength training. If you could merely accept 1 slice of equipment in your home gym, we'd definitely recommend a barbell. Y'all'd be able to go a full-body conditioning and you would see some serious results all with just a few moves and a single piece of kit.

Merely, that's just an anecdote we've made upwardly to tell you how bully barbell preparation is. The likelihood is, you'll never be in that situation and thankfully and so. The barbell is the best for forcefulness training in general, but exercises like the dumbbell clean and press (and all of its benefits) testify that dumbbells are worthy of your attending too!

Unilateral Exercise and Cadre Stability

side on image of man doing clean and press dumbbell

Unlike the barbell version, the DB make clean and press is a unilateral practise – at that place are a ton of benefits based on this departure lone. Unilateral exercises are a brilliant mode to build core stability and balance. Both of these factors take benefits for performance in other sports or forcefulness training exercises as well as daily activities.

Past strengthening core stability, the dumbbell clean and press benefits able-bodied power. Strong cadre muscles reduce fatigue and improve endurance, meaning that the DB clean and printing is amend if the purpose of your force-grooming programme is to improve aerobic fitness and activities like running.

Unilateral Exercise and Muscle Imbalance

woman holding dumbbell clean and press starting position with different size weights

Another reward of the dumbbell clean and press, equally opposed to the bilateral barbell culling, is that muscle imbalances can be corrected or avoided. Muscle imbalances are pretty mutual, they occur when the dominant side of your body (ordinarily the right-hand side) takes on more of the resistance of an practice than your non-dominant side.

Y'all probably won't be able to manage as much weight for a unilateral exercises because you need to opt for a weight that your weaker side can manage (which may be a fair fleck less than your dominat side). Simply, don't be put off by this! Although you volition non exist able to use equally much weight overall, force and conditioning research past Jones et al (2012) produced some reassuring findings:

The results of this study suggest Strength and workout professionals may select lighter loads when prescribing resistance training on a unmarried leg (unilateral exercise). Although the absolute load may be lighter, the relative intensity may be greater than or equal to that of double leg grooming, thereby enhancing force evolution off of one leg and possibly eliciting more sport-specific forcefulness gains.

Musculus imbalances can be hard to notice considering the dominant side of the body works harder without you fifty-fifty realising. Ofttimes these differences aren't significant enough to see merely they're worth correcting because they have the potential to crusade an injury. Unilateral exercises similar the unmarried arm clean and press are an effective fashion to railroad train during recovery and to avoid injury in the first place. According to Jones et al (2012):

Irresolute the training stimulus with the inclusion of unilateral exercises may heighten do recovery and reduce overuse injury risk while notwithstanding providing the same grooming results as bilateral resistance training exercises.

Whilst the stronger side of your body can compensate for whatever weakness with a barbell, both sides of your body are forced to work as hard as each other during the dumbbell make clean and press and the ane arm dumbbell clean and press. When both sides are your torso are working as hard every bit each other, they get the same benefits for force and musculus size, meaning – muscle balance!

Range of Motion

man performing shoulder abduction

Exercising with dumbbells allows you to move in a greater range of move (ROM) because your arms can movement more freely. Exercising in a greater ROM reduces your risk of injury and makes it easier to build muscle mass and strength.

During the barbell version of this exercise, your ROM is restricted by your grip position on the bar. On the other hand, yous have a greater range of motility with a pair of dumbbells and y'all have the potential to run across better results thanks to the attempt required to stabilise the movement.

Because it allows your arms to move more freely, the DB clean and press is likewise a replacement for the barbell version if you are wanting to railroad train around an arm, wrist, or shoulder injury.

Lift More

women flexing biceps to should clean and press dumbbell benefits

The dumbbell clean and press is a bright do (you lot'll agree one time yous've had a look at the benefits below). Simply, if you're pretty advanced with forcefulness training then the barbell might be your best bet.

Exercise with either of these types of free-weights will build musculus and increase strength, only if nosotros're talking about serious gains, then the barbell is the champ. Why, we hear you ask? Simply because the barbell allows you to load more weight. The more than weight you can load, the more musculus you can build and the more strength you tin gain.

If you're concerned well-nigh looking good in the gym, then the barbell is the i for y'all. Desire to impress with how much you tin elevator? You'll be interested to know that you tin manage around 20% more than weight with a barbell than you could with a pair of dumbbells. Yous won't get as much of a conditioning for your stabiliser muscles, only you'll expect a little stronger than the guy next to y'all doing the dumbbell exercise!


man holding single arm clean and press with dumbbell

Barbell training can exist a chip daunting then if you haven't tried this exercise before, dumbbells are a good identify to starting time. If you're a consummate rookie in the gym, the single arm dumbbell clean and press is a good place to get-go before you progress onto more complex movements.

The DB clean and press is a meliorate option for beginners considering it's less likely that you'll injure yourself. The dumbbell exercise, specially the unmarried arm clean and press, is a brilliant progression practise that will allow you lot to train the motion with a much lighter weight. That way, you can focus on getting your form perfect before y'all add more weight.

So, which is best?

Every bit with most of the questions that we get from clients, the reply to 'which is best' really depends on your exercise goals. For most people, we'd say the dumbbell clean and press! It works a ton of different muscles, builds improve core stability, and improves range of motion.

But for anyone who is serious virtually building strength and size, the barbell is the better option. Saying that, the dumbbell version would still act as a great progression do if yous're new to strength grooming but in one case you're lifting a lot, it's time to ditch the dumbbells.

To learn how to practise the barbell version, check out our barbell clean & press exercise guide which includes practise videos and variations!

Dumbbell Make clean and Printing Benefits

Regardless of where it weighs upward into comparison to the barbell alternative, this exercise has benefits of its own. Check out more than reasons y'all should exist doing the dumbbell clean and press below!

#1 Muscle Strength & Size

strongman pulling a car

Y'all can't lift as much with a dumbbell clean and printing as you could with a barbell, but you can (and should) still go heavy on this practice. Using a lot of weight will do wonders for building muscle mass too as strength.

This exercise will benefit anyone with the goal of looking more muscular overall considering information technology will build mass in the many muscle groups worked. If you desire to use this practise to improve your torso aesthetically, train in the 'hypertrophy zone'. That means, 4 sets of ten-12 reps using plenty weight so that the terminal 2 reps are a struggle.

Using a heavy pair of dumbbells will also hateful that this exercise will build force. If gaining forcefulness is your goal, then we recommend that you lot utilise a heavier weight and execute a 5x5 training system.

#2 Better Grip Strength

man struggling to lift deadlift

Another benefit of the dumbbell clean and press is that the clean part of the movement is a vivid exercise to amend grip strength. The practise requires y'all to motion the weight with ability, pretty fast, and therefore information technology works your forearms and improves grip strength.

If you're used to forcefulness training exercises, and so you'll know just how important grip strength is. If your muscles have the strength for a heavy deadlift, the final matter you want is to be let down by your grip.

Strengthening your grip will allow you to lift heavier in this exercise and in other big lifts like the deadlift or rows. Information technology will likewise improve your endurance as you'll exist able to perform more than reps without poor grip strength holding yous back.

If grip forcefulness is something that you struggle with, check out our article on the best forearm exercises for grip forcefulness.

#iii Chemical compound Practice

man in bodyweight clean and press starting position

The DB clean and press uses a ton of different muscles on both the anterior and posterior concatenation, making it a chemical compound exercise. Compound exercises are a brilliant fashion to get the most out of your time at the gym considering you get a total-body workout in a fraction of the time information technology would take you with isolation exercises.

Some other do good of compound exercises is that they train natural motility patterns which translates into real-world forcefulness and better muscular coordination. Training multiple musculus groups together will allow your muscles to work together better and it will increment your ability to execute other movements that require muscular coordination.

#4 Fat Loss

woman standing on scales for db clean and press weight loss benefits

This exercise is a chemical compound movement, it involves moving weight from genu-pinnacle to overhead which requires full-body forcefulness, power, and coordination. Past involving so many muscles, the DB make clean and press requires a lot of energy expenditure. Such free energy expenditure means that this exercise causes a significant boost in metabolic rate.

The result of this boost in metabolism? Weight loss! In the simplest terms, the central to losing fatty is a calorie arrears.

In their 2022 report on Poly peptide Recommendations for Weight Loss in Aristocracy Athletes, Hector & Phillips talk almost the effectiveness of a calorie deficit for weight loss:

Weight loss in elite athletes, if desired, is usually accomplished by the introduction of a caloric arrears that consists of brake of dietary free energy combined with their training.

Metabolic workout workouts, which the DB make clean and press exercise would fit correct into, are a vivid mode to burn down a lot of calories. Therefore, alongside a calorie-restricted diet, this do volition accept you on your mode to losing fat.

If you're interested in the science behind training and calorie deficits, and how calorie deficits work for fat loss whilst maintaining lean muscle, have a read of the full written report.

#five Better Your Bench Press

image of man with tricep muscles highlighted for db clean and press benefits

One of the best things virtually this practice is that it'due south a compound movement then information technology targets loads of different muscles – the only real exception being the chest muscles. Working the chest is pretty important for most clients, afterall they're the biggest of the mirror muscles and are ever a good mode of showing off that you work in the gym.

Fortunately, there are some indirect benefits of this practise for the chest. The DB clean and press is one of few exercises that is effective at preparation the triceps. That'southward considering the triceps are a difficult muscle to work, they're only really involved with overhead exercises – like the printing part of the move.

By training the triceps, y'all tin strengthen these muscles, train the elbow extension, and improve shoulder stability – all of which will improve your bench printing and allow you to press more, meaning more gains!

#6 But as Effective as Traditional Exercises

woman holding medal

If y'all want to get potent, you can't go incorrect with a routine that involves squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. These exercises are known as 'the big 3' and they're at the core of traditional strength training.

So why fix what isn't broken? Why should y'all switch up your workout with less effective strongman exercises, similar a sled push, the farmers walk, and – of form – the dumbbell clean and printing?

Well, according to the findings of a study by Harris et al (2016), such strongman grooming techniques are actually just equally constructive as traditional strength training exercises. The written report compared the performance of 10 men for strongman preparation compared to traditional forcefulness training. The results showed:

"an equivalent physiological stimulus on fundamental parameters indicative of potential grooming-induced adaptive responses. Such adaptations could conceivably include cardiovascular conditioning."

Pregnant you won't fall brusque if yous opt for an exclusively strongman style training plan that focuses on exercises performed in a horizontal plane, and exercises that involve a moving component where weight is carried, pushed, or pulled.

If you lot want to know more than nearly this, you lot can notice the total report here.

#7 Build Endurance

man doing a star jump

This exercise likewise has benefits for building endurance, both cardiovascular and muscular. The benefits for cardiovascular endurance are the issue of this exercise being a compound movement. During the movement, the weight is moved a much greater distance compared to other exercises, for case rows. That factor, accompanied by the not bad number of muscles worked, means that this exercise gets your middle rate up and improves your stamina and cardio fitness!

In terms of muscular endurance, there are benefits of the db make clean and press for that besides. If increasing muscular endurance is your goal, complete this exercises in the endurance zone equally recommended above the dumbbell clean and press video (18-twenty reps for ii-3 sets). Exercising in this way will increment the amount of fourth dimension your muscles can cope under strain, in add-on to helping y'all define your physique and the more than general benefits of aerobic fitness.

Before You Go!

If you lot're a real fitness fanatic, why not make a career out of your passion?Give our team a phone call on 0800 002 9599 and nosotros'll happily talk you lot through our range of courses.

Alternatively, you can download our latest course prospectus for more information on our incredible courses.

Other Exercises to Try...

Now that you've mastered the dumbbell clean and press, why not try these:

  • Box Squats
  • Pendlay Rows
  • The Cable Breast Printing


Harris, N. et al. (2016). Astute physiological responses to strongman training compared to traditional force training. The Periodical of Force and Conditioning Research. 30 (five), pp. 1397–1408.

Hector, A. and Phillips, S. (2017). Poly peptide recommendations for weight loss in aristocracy athletes: A focus on body composition and performance. International Journal of Sport Diet and Practice Metabolism. two (28), pp. 170-177.

Jones, M. et al. (2012). Furnishings of unilateral and bilateral lower-body heavy resistance exercise on muscle activity and testosterone responses. The Journal of Forcefulness and Workout Research . 26 (4), pp. 1094–1100.


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