
How To Make Cannabis Oil For Cooking

Olive oil is a product that many people consume as part of their daily diet due to its many health benefits, but what about cannabis oil? Cannabis oil doesn't generally figure in many people's diets, especially not those that don't consume cannabis, although this is slowly changing. Thanks to the recent wave of legalizations around the world and the investigations being done, we're finding out more about cannabis' properties and its amazing benefits when used correctly. That's why today we're going to teach you how to make cannabis oil.

how to make cannabis oil

Everyone should be able to make the most of cannabis's incredible properties without needing to smoke it. We're going to show you how to make cannabis oil. Its properties may vary depending on the cannabis used to make it, which can be THC or CBD dominant. Either way, the recipe is the same.

Let's have a look at these two recipes that result in delicious, cannabinoid-ruch homemade cannabis oil.

How to make cannabis oil:

Before you start with the recipe, you'll need to figure out the type of cannabis you're going to be using. You can use THC rich, CBD rich or balanced cannabis for this recipe.

If you're looking to make oil that anyone can consume without getting any sort of psychoactive effect, you should use high-CBD cannabis that contains extremely low THC levels. You should use strains such as Sweet Pure CBD by Sweet Seeds or Solodiol by Elite Seeds. The effects produced by CBD-rich strains make them perfect for daily consumption.

For those looking to make cannabis oil that has all of cannabis's properties, including the psychoactive ones, we highly recommend using a strain with high THC levels or more THC than CBD. This allows you to create a cannabis oil that's capable of alleviating intense muscular pain, reduce epileptic attacks, increase appetite, treat insomnia etc. It's also a much safer way to consume cannabis as you don't need to inhale any nasty smoke.

Ingredients and materials:

  • 500-700ml virgin extra olive oil
  • 20-25g dry and cured cannabis
  • One kitchen thermometer
  • One kitchen spatula
  • Large pot (3-5L)
  • Small pot (1L)
  • A weed grinder
  • A coffee filter
  • One thin metal sieve
  • One glass container with lid
  • 5L bottled water

How to make cannabis oil | RECIPE 1

This first recipe is the easiest to make, as it hardly needs much work and it just requires a bit of patience.

  • 1: Begin by washing and decarbing your cannabis using your preferred process. If you want a less psychoactive effect and more medicinal properties from your oil, simply wash your cannabis before using and skip the decarb process (only do this if you do not want a psychoactive end result).
  • 2: Get a glass bowl that's large enough for the amount of oil you plan on making
  • 3: Pour your preferred virgin extra olive oil into the bowl
  • 4: Add 20-25g of dried, cured cannabis (not ground)
  • 5: Let it macerate in a dark, dry place for a couple of weeks, Mix every now and then so that the cannabis fully releases its properties
  • 6: After a couple of weeks it should be ready to consume
  • 7: Do not remove the cannabis
  • 8: If the cannabis oil turns out too strong, pour the oil into a new glass bottle and add one fourth virgin extra olive oil in order to soften the effect. Shake well and let it sit in the dark for a couple of days so that it mixes properly
  • 9: Your cannabis oil is now ready to use as a food supplement, as drops or even as a skin cream!

How to make cannabis oil | RECIPE 2

This second cannabis oil recipe is a bit more hands-on and much faster. You'll need to grab your cooking gear and get to it! The resulting oil form this recipe is much more refined than the first recipe we dealt with.

cannabis oil how to make cannabis oil

1- Boil your cannabis

Place your weed in a large pot and add enough water to cover the cannabis. Once it begins to boil, lower the heat setting to the lowest and keep it there for 10 minutes, stirring every now and then.

2- Strain your cannabis

After 10 minutes, you'll need to strain your cannabis. Pour your flowers into the sieve and let the water drain out without putting any pressure on it. Repeat the entire process, boiling the weed again, until the water comes out clean (3 times should do it).

3- No water

Once you've strained your cannabis you'll need to try and get it to lose as much water as possible. In order to keep all of its cannabinoids intact, we recommend covering a flat surface with non-aromatic kitchen paper and placing your cannabis on top. This allows the kitchen paper to absorb any leftover water without needing to press your weed down.

Remember: this is done to fully clean your cannabis, removing dust, insects, any products, chlorophyll and leftover minerals. This process is entirely safe, as marihuana doesn't dissolve or attach to water and no cannabinoids are lost.

4- Add your virgin extra olive oil

Once your cannabis is clean and all water has been extracted, you'll need to place it in a small pot and add your virgin extra olive oil.

5- Bain-Marie

In order to heat your cannabis in the right way so that it dissolves all of its cannabinoids in the oil, first you'll need to fill the large pot with water and place the smaller pot, the one with the oil and cannabis, floating in the water in the larger pot. Boil the large pot.

6- Bain-Marie timing

Once the water is boiling, the cannabinoid-assimilation process has begun. This can be quite a slow process, taking a few hours, although it's much faster than the first recipe. For the best possible results, we recommend continuing this process for two to three hours, mixing every now and then. In order to get perfect results, try and keep the temperature at a stable 100°C. You can use a kitchen thermometer for this purpose.

7- Bottling

After the bain-marie, you'll need to let the liquid cool down in its pot. Once it's cooled down you should strain the mixture using the coffee filter. Do it with incredible care, making sure that no bits of cannabis get through the filter. Your cannabis oil is now ready!

8- How to store cannabis oil

Once you've made your oil, you'll need to store it in a dark, cool area. This allows cannabinoids to stay 100% potent for much longer. We recommend keeping the main bottle in a dark place and using a small oil bottle for your food.

cannabis oil

How to take cannabis oil

Cannabis Oil as Salad Dressing

One of the best ways of ingesting cannabis oil is raw. If it's used to fry anything, it loses all of its properties in as far as cannabinoids due to high temperatures. We recommend using it as a dressing for salads, making sure to test it out beforehand to test its strength and how much you should use.

Massage Cannabis Oil

For those that suffer from muscle or back pain, cannabis oil can be used as potent massage oil; it has many relaxing and therapeutic effects and can be used for any type of massage; it can also be used in reflexology. You can also add it to any massage cream or oil such as lavender or rosemary, among others.

Sub-lingual Cannabis Oil

If you want to use it as a direct dose, you can use it sub-lingually. Simply use a dropper under your tongue and then slowly allow them to spread around your mouth. This is a much more direct way and is recommended for medicinal use.

Cannabis Oil Safety Precautions

Before you start taking cannabis oil, whether it's occasionally or daily, you will need to do a few tests to see how potent it is. We recommend trying out a couple of drops and waiting for a few hours to see if its effects are too soft or too hard. If it's too potent you can add in ¼ of normal oil and shake well to mix it up. You can repeat this process as much as possible.

When ingesting oil of this kind you'll need to be extremely cautious. You need to mark every bottle carefully – if someone accidentally uses it on their salad, they probably won't have a very nice trip. You will also need to take extreme caution when it comes to kids running around the house. If not labelled correctly and stored somewhere that kids can get to, you may have quite a bad situation on your hands. Keep your cannabis oil away from kids, labelled properly and make sure you know where it is.


recipe image

Nombre de la receta

Cannabis oil

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Tiempo de cocina

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How To Make Cannabis Oil For Cooking


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